Shuyu Wu 1,4Rongrong Cao 3Hao Jiang 2,*Yu Li 2[ ... ]Qi Liu 2
Author Affiliations
1 State Key Laboratory of Fabrication Technologies for Integrated Circuits, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
2 Frontier institute of Chip and System, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
3 College of Electronic Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
4 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
The performance and reliability of ferroelectric thin films at temperatures around a few Kelvin are critical for their application in cryo-electronics. In this work, TiN/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2/TiN capacitors that are free from the wake-up effect are investigated systematically from room temperature (300 K) to cryogenic temperature (30 K). We observe a consistent decrease in permittivity (εr) and a progressive increase in coercive electric field (Ec) as temperatures decrease. Our investigation reveals exceptional stability in the double remnant polarization (2Pr) of our ferroelectric thin films across a wide temperature range. Specifically, at 30 K, a 2Pr of 36 μC/cm2 under an applied electric field of 3.0 MV/cm is achieved. Moreover, we observed a reduced fatigue effect at 30 K in comparison to 300 K. The stable ferroelectric properties and endurance characteristics demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing HfO2 based ferroelectric thin films for cryo-electronics applications.
hafnia-zirconia solid solution ferroelectricity cryogenic temperature wake-up effect 
Journal of Semiconductors
2024, 45(3): 032301
朱喆 1,2王麓屹 1陈学文 1,2林巍 1,2[ ... ]杨中民 1,2,4,5,6
1 华南理工大学物理与光电学院,广东 广州 510640
2 华南理工大学发光材料与器件国家重点实验室,广东 广州 510640
3 浙江机电职业技术学院国际教育学院,浙江 杭州 310051
4 华南理工大学广东省特种光纤材料与器件工程技术研究开发中心,广东 广州 510640
5 华南理工大学广东省光纤激光材料及应用技术重点实验室,广东 广州 510640
6 华南师范大学未来技术研究院,广东 广州 510006
报道基于快速声光滤波技术的窄谱被动锁模掺镱光纤激光中心波长快速调谐研究。窄谱锁模光纤激光器系统的输出功率可达200 mW,脉冲宽度为5.87 ps,重复频率为40.874 MHz,光谱带宽为0.15 nm。通过编程声光可调谐滤波器的射频信号,可以获得中心波长在1016~1042 nm范围内可调谐的稳定锁模脉冲。为了掌握腔内滤波时激光脉冲的重建过程,利用色散傅里叶变换技术观测波长调谐时激光脉冲的实时重建过程,并确定激光器的最高中心波长调谐频率约为5 kHz。
激光器 光纤激光器 波长可调谐 色散傅里叶变换 脉冲重建 
2024, 44(5): 0514001
魏师铎 1,2,3缑永胜 1,2,3,*杨阳 1,2,3冯鹏辉 1,2,3[ ... ]杨懿豪 1,2,3
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 超快诊断技术重点实验室,西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 中国科学院大学 材料与光电研究中心,北京 100049
针对行波选通分幅相机超宽画幅驱动需求,基于宽带多节威尔金森脉冲功率合成方法,设计了一款高压驱动脉冲源。基于有限元分析方法,采用仿真软件对脉冲功率合成电路进行了仿真,系统分析了端口驻波比、插入损耗、端口隔离度、幅相一致性等参数。根据仿真分析完成了脉冲功率合成电路研制,验证系统最终能够利用8路峰值电压为1.3 kV左右、脉冲宽度为3.5 ns左右、脉冲前沿在600 ps左右的单路脉冲合成峰值电压超过3.2 kV的高压脉冲,脉冲宽度在3 ns以内,脉冲前沿在600 ps以内。脉冲频谱范围在300 MHz到3 GHz范围内的两路合成效率为83.5%,特定频率下为88%,八路脉冲合成效率为58%,特定频率下可以达到68%。通过该电路合成的高压脉冲可用于驱动宽20 mm、长95 mm、等效阻抗6 Ω左右的微通道板实现选通成像,验证了基于宽带多节威尔金森电路实现脉冲功率合成,提高分幅相机驱动脉冲功率的可行性。目前基于该技术的高压驱动脉冲源已应用于I-MCP1.0型分幅相机。
分幅相机 超宽带脉冲 脉冲耦合 威尔金森功分器 超宽画幅 功率合成 微通道板 Framing camera Ultra-wideband pulse Pulse coupling Wilkinson power divider Super wide frame Power synthesis Microchannel plate 
2023, 52(9): 0932002
南京大学 电子科学与工程学院, 南京 210023
近年来, 受人脑独特工作模式的启发, 利用人工神经形态器件模拟突触和神经元的感知与计算功能吸引了广泛关注。到目前为止, 已经有很多关于神经形态晶体管的报道, 但绝大多数器件是在刚性衬底上加工的。柔性神经形态晶体管不仅可以同时实现信号传输和训练学习, 对多路信号进行非线性的时空整合与协同调控, 而且能密切贴合柔软的人体皮肤, 承受器官和组织的高生理应变。更重要的是, 柔性神经形态晶体管具有可设计的灵活性和优异的生物兼容性, 在检测生物环境中生理相关时间尺度的低幅信号方面具备独特的优势和应用潜力。柔性神经形态晶体管已经广泛应用于电子皮肤、人工视觉系统、智能可穿戴系统等领域。目前, 研制低功耗、高密度集成的柔性神经形态晶体管是研究的首要任务之一。本文综述了基于不同柔性衬底的神经形态晶体管的研究进展, 并展望了柔性神经形态晶体管的未来应用前景,这将为未来柔性神经晶体管的研制以及智能计算和感知应用提供比较详实的参考。
神经形态器件 柔性电子学 神经形态晶体管 类脑感知与计算 综述 neuromorphic device flexible electronics neuromorphic transistor brain-like perception and computing review 
2023, 38(4): 367
天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院,天津 300072
图像融合 卷积神经网络 转换器 注意力机制 红外图像 
2023, 60(16): 1610013
中国海洋大学物理与光电工程学院,山东 青岛 266100
大气光学与海洋光学 水下无线光通信 涡旋光束 轨道角动量 空间光调制器 图像识别 
2023, 60(9): 0901001
1 海军工程大学, 武汉 430000
2 中国人民解放军91867部队, 浙江 义乌 322000
面对复杂的三维环境, 传统的路径规划算法计算复杂度极度增加, 失去了原有的效果。深度强化学习可以不依赖于精确的环境模型, 其总体效率远高于传统算法。针对三维环境下的AUV路径规划问题, 在建立避碰探测模型和gym仿真环境的基础上, 改进网络结构的PPO算法设计及模型训练。通过仿真实验, 验证了算法的准确率与有效性。
路径规划 近端策略优化 深度强化学习 AUV AUV path planning proximal policy optimization deep reinforcement learning 
2023, 30(1): 87
海军工程大学, 武汉 430000
针对多AUV系统的传统领航者队形控制方法中存在的易受环境扰动影响和易崩溃等问题, 提出了基于人工势场的改进虚拟领航者方法。设计了一种四层结构的编队体系分层框架, 并对其中队形设计层与行为控制层进行了描述; 分别针对虚拟领航者对AUV成员施加的斥力与引力、AUV成员间的斥力与引力、障碍物对AUV施加的斥力设计了适当的人工势场函数, 并考虑了最大通信距离带来的约束。通过仿真验证, 对比分析了传统领航者-跟随者法与改进虚拟领航者法的队形轨迹与位置偏差的误差曲线, 证明了所设计的算法能完成队形控制任务, 编队控制效果优于传统领航者方法。
多AUV系统 队形控制 虚拟领航者 人工势场 multi-AUV system formation control virtual leader artificial potential field 
2023, 30(2): 19
Author Affiliations
1 Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China
2 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Micro-Scale Optical Information Science and Technology, Tianjin 300350, China
3 School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
4 State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
5 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Sensor and Sensing Network Technology, Tianjin 300350, China
Dynamic beam steering with unlimited angular range and fast speed remains a challenge in the terahertz gap, which is urgently needed for next-generation target tracking, wireless communications, and imaging applications. Different from metasurface phased arrays with element-level phase control, here we steer the beam by globally engineering the diffraction of two cascaded metagratings during in-plane rotation. Benefiting from large-angle diffraction and flexible on/off control of the diffraction channels, a pair of metagratings with optimized supercells and proper orientation successfully directs the incoming beam towards any arbitrary direction over the transmission half space, with the steering speed improved more than twice that of the small-angle diffractive designs. Single-beam and dual-beam steering within the solid angle of 1.56π and elevation angle of ±77° has been demonstrated with average throughput efficiency of 41.4% at 0.14 THz, which can be generalized to multiple-beam cases. The dual diffraction engineering scheme offers a clear physical picture for beamforming and greatly simplifies the device structure, with additional merits of large aperture and low power consumption.
Photonics Research
2023, 11(1): 44
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory for Micro/Nano Optoelectronic Devices of Ministry of Education and Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Structural Physics and Devices, School of Physics and Electronics, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
2 Shenzhen Lubon Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518000, China
More durable (with high impact force), lighter, and more compact flexible azo dye micropolarizers are attractive candidates for low-cost, simple polarization imaging systems. The liquid crystal polymer (LCP), as an emerging material developed by photo-alignment technology, is a potential material for organizing the long-range ordered structure of azo dyes. However, little research has been done on LCP aligned azo dyes. This paper points out and solves a key problem that restricts the fabrication of high-precision arrays in guest (azo dye)-host (LCP) systems: the doping of dyes leads to disorder of the LCP during curing. After solving the problem, the relationship between the thickness of the LCP and the extinction ratio of the polarizing film was investigated, which effectively improved the extinction ratio. Alignment of azo dye molecules in the range of 2 µm (0°–180°) and arrays of micropolarizers (0°, 45°, 90°, -45°) with 8 µm × 8 µm pixel pitch was achieved by laser direct writing technology. The bending cycle test demonstrates the mechanical stability of the ultrathin flexible polarizer. The flexible patterned polarizer with robust chemical and mechanical stabilities provides a flexible way to capture the polarization of the light and highly integrated advanced flexible optoelectronic devices.
micropolarizer polarimetric imaging polarimetry azo dye polarization-sensitive devices 
Chinese Optics Letters
2023, 21(3): 031301

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